Friday, April 5, 2013

So starting in about January my life seriously became all about baby. As most of you already know I had Jace 7 weeks early and he spent 2 weeks in the NICU. Since my Dr. wasn't exactly sure why my body decided to kick Jace man out early my whole pregnancy was spent taking percautions. I was on partial bed rest my whole pregnancy, with a toddler? Ha yeah right. I also had to go into the Dr. once a week and get a steroid shot in my butt to strengthen my uterus OUCH :(
Well, the fun started when I was 29 weeks. Nate had left right after work to go to Salt Lake to help a friend. Minutes after he left the biggest snow storm I have EVER seen in Utah decided to roll in. Minutes after that I noticed I was having strong painful contractions 3-5 min. apart. I called labor and delivery and they said with my history I should for sure come in but with the weather they weren't sure I would make it, not to mention by this time my husband was to Salt Lake trying to make it home in a terrible storm and rush hour traffic. Nathan freaked and called my dad (any of you know my dad and how worried he gets knows that was not the best idea lol). Well my dad was babysitting both of my nephews and Jace just happened to have RSV. Amazing luck right? So I didn't want Jace around the other boys or they might get sick. So my amazing dad came and sat in my driveway with two toddlers just to make sure he was close if I needed him. Well the contractions just got worse and I knew I needed to go to the hospital but I was scared. When this happened with Jace I was stuck in the hospital for a week till he decided to come and I was scared to death of going to the hospital without Nate :( Long story short it took Nate about six hours to get home from Salt Lake, but when he did make it home we decided we better head to the hospital so my amazing mother in law came and sat here at our apartment in case Jace woke up and we headed to labor and delivery. Now keep in mind this whole time we were in the middle of a blizzard lol. I got admitted for a few hours while they monitored me and I was give three shots and two pills to stop my contractions. They never really stopped but they slowed down.
Little did we know it would be like this for the next three months. I would daily have contractions 3-5 min. apart and I was at labor and delivery at least once a week getting my labor to stop. I spent one weekend in the hospital because my blood pressure was out of control and once again I was having contractions. They pumped me full of magnesium for three days ugh. That stuff is terrible :( I was luckily able to go home with some medication to take every four hours to keep my contractions under control but the medication made me so so sick. The last few weeks before I had Krew were maybe the worst in my life. I have never felt so close to death before in my life. I felt like no one understood. A week or so before Krew came Nate got really really sick. He hadn't been able to keep anything in him for days and had lost tonz of weight. A huge shout out to the Drysdales for taking care of Jace that weekend that Nate and I were both on our death beds lol.
On Tuesday the 26th of Febuary I had a Dr. appointment and Nate was still sick. So I made him an appointment to get what was going on with him figured out after my appoinment. I had felt so sick all day and I hadn't been able to drink or eat much cuz I was so nauseated. Somehow we got our sick selves to the Dr. and when we got there my blood pressure was really high again so they wanted to do some tests so I was sent to labor and delivery again only problem was Nate was still so so sick sooo we ran Jace to Carins and I called my dad and he picked me up and took me to the hospital so Nate could go to the Dr. and start getting better cuz I knew this baby was coming any time and I needed a healthy husband. Oh man I was a wreck and I was still so so nauseated ugh. At labor and delivery they just told me I was dehydrated and they pumped me full of liquid. I was having strong contractions but the nurse just kept saying it was cuz I was so dehydrated. Nates verdict was that he just had the stomach flu and was having a hard time snapping out of it but the Dr. gave hime some medication that helped him tonz. So about the time I was gonna get sent home I started throwing up. Suddenly the nausea I had all day all made sense. I had gotten the stomach flu from Nate. They still sent me home even tho I was already dehydrated and couldn't keep anything down not even water. We were all so worried cuz you can't get that dehydrated when you are pregnant but they didn't seem to care and I thought for sure I wouldn't live through the night lol but seriously.
So we went home, I spent the night sleeping on the bathroom floor between throwing up and getting in the tub in between trying to get my contractions to stop. Nate had taken his nausea medicine that we didn't know made him tired so he passed out on the couch. I finally felt like I was done throwing up so I went and fell asleep on the couch. At about 3:30 I woke up and felt like I needed to run to the bathroom and all of a sudden I felt a huge punch in my belly then I felt like I peed a little. My first thought was oh crap no that better of not been my water braking I can't do this right now. So I sat there for a second and more water a little more and more. I stood up and a gush of water. There was no doubt my water had broke, I had the stomach flu and my husband was drugged. I stood there for a second and my adrenaline kicked in and I was somehow able to get ready. I woke Nate up which was not easy since he was drugged lol I ran in the bathroom and stood in the tub cuz seriously I was loosing like buckets of water. Nate came running in and was so confused, he kept asking me where everyone went ha he was so out of it. Its really a miracle we made it to the hospital. As we started packing our bags real quick I had to change at least four times leaving puddles towels and wet clothes all over our apartment the water just wouldn't stop it was so crazy. I asked Nate if we should bring some clothes for Krew and he looked at me like I was crazy and said "what, you wanna go to wal mart right now?' haha I laugh now but it was seriously a nightmare then. By the time we made it to the hospital I was so wet from my water that I was leaving puddles and wet footprints through the hospital haha it was like the movies. By the time I got changed the contractions were extremely painful. I couldn't get the epidural till I was rehydrated and pumped full of liquids through my IV.
I only had to endure about an hour of pain. The epidural went smooth and oh man immediate relief. I love that stuff haha. My water broke at 3:30 and I started pushing at 8 and little Krew arrived at 8:21. I am lucky my actual labor goes so smoothly.
Having Krew was such a different experiece than when we had Jace. I wasn't able to hold Jace till hours after he was born but with Krew I was able to hold him right away and we were there when they weighed him and cleaned him up and everything. It was an amazing experience that I will never forget.
Things were good for about an hour after I had Krew then things got scary. They say red heads bleed more... well the next few hours were full of pain, pushing on my belly very aggressively, and tonz and tonz of blood. I was once again truly scared they consider it a hemorage at 800 and I was at 1500 when it finally stopped. I didn't need a transfusion or anything but it took me a loooong time to come back from losing so much blood.
Its been a little over 5 weeks since our precious little man joined our family and we couldn't be more happy or feel more blessed to get to be the parents of two amazing little boys. Its still surreal we have 2 kids but honestly a lot easier than we thought. We were worried about how Jace would react and while there have been a few jealous moments Jace sure is proud of his Krew :) I think I have a pretty good routine down I stay extrememly busy and sometimes its hard to get us all ready and out of the house on time but I really love this new adventure of being a mom to two little men :)
Krew is a great baby just like Jace was he never really cries even when he is hungry. If he is ever fussy its cuz he is hungry, he sleeps 4-5 hours at night between feedings and I even get a 2 hour brake(most days) in the afternoon while the boys sleep :)
My biggest stresses right now are selling a car and finding a house for our growing family of four :)
Oh those lovely contractions
Krew Walter Drysdale finally arrived four weeks early on Febuary 27th at 8:21 AM weighing in at 7lbs 3oz and 19 inches long
Getting all cleaned up
7lbs 3oz
Chunky little man
Daddy holding his new baby for the first time
Our new addition :)
Love this!
My dad meeting Krew for the first time
Because I was so dehydrated they had a really hard time getting my IV in this is the aftermath of that
oh one thing I forgot. Krew Spent a day in the NICU cuz he kept having choking episodes when he ate. He was able to come home with us tho which we are so grateful for. I have many more pics. of Krew as he has grown on my facebook and instagram :)