This past weekend here in Utah we had SUMMER like weather! We absolutely LOVED it. Nate didn't have overtime this week so we really wanted to get out and do something to enjoy this beautiful weather. I don't know what made us think of it but we decided to go down to Thanksgiving Point and check out the TULIP FESTIVAL. I have never been down to the gardens at Thanksgiving Point and I honestly didn't think there was gonna be any thing spectacular about it but holy cow was I wrong. It was so so SO gorgeous there. It was amazing I enjoyed every second of it!
We have been wanting to get Jace a big boy seat. My mom decided to go down to the festival with us and since it is kind of a long drive and my mom has a dvd player in her escalade we decided to stop and get Jace a movie and a new seat :) Such a big man!
Such a sweet sweet little boy <3
My sweet little family by the AMAZING waterfalls
This was our favorite garden so so GORGEOUS
Jace and Grandma feeding the fish :)
I think my favorite part of the day was watching Jace look at the fish!
Him and his daddy = My WHOLE world!
These last two pics. aren't from the festival just some fun ones from the last week or so
Jace mans new church clothes :) cute little stud
Haha I ABSOLUTELY love this, so dang cute! Love my little nephew.
Have a great rest of the week everyone.