We went to the doctor again this month! We actually got to go twice because Nathan and I decided to do this study for first time moms and we get 3 free ultra sounds which totally makes it worth it. We went to my regular doctor first and we got to here the heart beat for the first time! That was the most amazing thing I have ever experienced it is so surreal knowing and getting real proof that there really is a human growing in my belly! Both Nate and I got teary eyed. The heart beat was good and strong we only got to hear it for a few seconds because my baby is very active and it kept swimming away. The second time we went to the Dr. we got a more detailed ultra sound, and wow that was also so very amazing! It lasted about 20 minutes so we got to just watch our little baby do its thing. It moved and flipped but the most amazing part was watching the little baby bring its hands up and rub and touch its face and move his little fingers and toes. She kept trying to get a picture a picture of his little fingers but he kept moving to fast. She did get a picture of the little foot tho and he has 5 little toes. We also got to see its little face and to me the second I saw its profile I immediatly thought that it looked like Nate! It really is so amazing and I realized I need to take more time to realize and notice all the little miracles I have in my life. I was once told not even a year ago that there was a good chance I would never be able to have kids of my own. Well here we are now I am even out of my 2nd trimester. I know Nathan and I are young but I also know we are meant to have this baby now and we are so excited! Besides getting to got to the Dr. I have also been experiencing some physical effects. I am now past the morning sickness (thank goodness) but now I notice everyday my belly getting a little bigger and my pants getting a little tighter. Nathan is so cute, he is already talking to my belly and he is so excited! I am so grateful because I know he will be the best dad and I will never have to do this alone. We are a forever family and I am so happy for that.
Ok so this is the profile picture of baby its sideways but you can still see it pretty good.
and this is babies little tiny foot the Dr. tod us its about a half an inch big